Vice President 2023 - 07/20/2024(sk)
Acting President 09/7/2023 - 09/15/2023
Director 2012 - 2023
Jeffrey 'Jeff' Beals
PO Box 1584
Loxahatchee, FL 33470
QCWA # 23808
Chapters 111, 45, 69 & 196 QCWA Palm Beach Chapter 111
Like so many of us, as a youngster, Jeff was fascinated with # 6 dry cells, bells, buzzers, lamps and crystal radios. Soon he graduated to Short Wave listening with a Knight Kit Span Master regen set that he built himself. The next step, at age 12, was to become a ham with a Novice "ticket" and the call WN2OUK in his home town of Long Beach, NY. He joined the local radio club and ARES/RACES unit. In 1965, Jeff was deployed, during the Northeast blackout, with his Gonset Communicator and halo antenna. He has been continuously licensed over 60 years with a primary interest in emergency communications.
Jeff now serves QCWA as National Director and Historian. He was elected QCWA Vice President in 2023. Jeff curates the Yesteryear Village Old Radio and TV Museum at the South Florida fairgrounds in W. Palm Beach, FL. The museum hosts a QCWA area with many artifacts of QCWA history.
Jeff currently holds FCC Extra Class & First Class Radiotelephone (now called GROL) "tickets". For many years, he has been active with the ARRL Field Organization in the Southern Florida Section. He served as the Section Manager and has held many other leadership positions including Section Emergency Coordinator, Affiliated Club Coordinator and Technical Coordinator. He also serves as Vice Director for the ARRL Southeastern Division.
Jeff is a Life Member of QCWA, ARRL, OOTC, AWA and is a Fellow of the Radio Club of America. He has been a member, officer and board member for many radio clubs in Florida over the years. Jeff is a member of the ARRL A-1 Operator and Old Timer Clubs. He was elected as a Life Member of the West Palm Beach Amateur Radio Club in 1988.
Jeff was the Communications Supervisor in Southeast Florida for the Florida Forestry Service for 25 years. He resides with his XYL, Myra, K3PGH, in Royal Palm Beach, FL and has been retired since 2005. He is also a licensed insurance adjuster in the State of Florida and was an insurance broker in New York State.
Look for you on the air or at a hamfest.
Vy 73 es 47,
Jeff, WA4AW
July 28, 2024