W4SS - December 26, 2003

W4SS(SK) Emmanuel G. 'Manny' Papandreas
Lake Worth

QCWA # 10300
Chapter 111

Former long-time ARRL Southern Florida Section Emergency Coordinator, Emmanuel G. "Manny" Papandreas, W4SS, of Lake Worth, passed away, Friday, December 26. Manny was 80, born on May 25, 1923. Manny was SFL SEC for 20 years, longer than any of his predecessors. He oversaw the amateur emergency communications effort following Hurricane Andrew in Dade County in 1992 including the staging area at the South Florida Fairgrounds in Palm Beach County. Manny was also an Assistant Director for the SE Division since 1986.

An ARRL & QCWA Life Member, Manny was first licensed in Pittsburgh, PA in 1941 as W8VKS. He served with the 63rd Infantry Div, US Army, during WWII. After a career in appliance sales & service, he joined the Palm Beach County Division of Emergency Management as Operations Coordinator. Manny assisted in the design of the new County Emergency Operations Center.

Manny founded and was President of the Palm Beach Amateur Radio Council, which coordinated ARES/RACES activities in the county. He was a founding member of QCWA Palm Beach Chapter 111. He was many times President of the West Palm Beach Amateur Radio Club of which he was a Life Member, taught amateur radio classes & was an ARRL VE for many years in Palm Beach county.

Manny was the recipient of many awards & honors from the agencies we serve as well as his peers in his nearly 50 years of service to amateur radio in South Florida.

Personally, Manny was a good friend & mentor to me for over 20 years. He encouraged my volunteering in the ARRL Field Organization & going up the ranks as he was a staunch supporter of the League & it's programs.

A viewing & memorial service will be held on Saturday, January 3, 2004 from 10 AM-12 noon at Dorsey Memorial Gardens, 10th Ave. No. & Kirk Rd., Lake Worth, FL

73, Manny, we'll all miss you !!!

Jeff Beals, WA4AW
Secy/Treas Chapter 111
This is the first SK page on the QCWA Site. The idea was suggested by Jeff, WA4AW. Manny was Jeff's Elmer. The idea was expanded to include the 'Our Living Heritage' web page to honor those members that are still with us. - Bob, NØUF QCWA Webmaster