W3WI 1926 - 2017
W3WI - Walter S. Glazar Walter S. Glazar
Aiken, SC

QCWA # 31176
Chapter 89
First Call: W2NQZ in 1941

Walter Sylvester Glazar, 91, passed away on Sunday, October 1, 2017, from age-related complications. Walt died at home in Aiken, SC. He was preceded in death by his wife, Betty Olson Glazar.

Walt was born in Hoboken, NJ. His father and mother soon after moved to Brooklyn, NY where Walt grew up and attended school. Walt developed a consuming interest in the art and science of radio communication technology. As a teenager he became a ham radio operator, licensed as W2NQZ and later, W3WI. That amateur experience led him to join the war effort in 1944 as a radio officer in the US Merchant Marine where he survived many convoy attacks by enemy submarines during the Atlantic campaign of WWII.

Walt retired from employment at NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center where he designed and developed satellite remote-sensing and other microwave systems.