Journal |
Business Office
The QCWA Journal is published twelve times each year, and placed on the Members Only webpage during the first full week of each month. The deadlines for articles and reports is the first day of the preceding month. A typical Journal will be about 20 pages in length, with about 25 percent of the space devoted to Chapter Reports. Also included are numerous columns, feature articles, classified ads (free to members), a listing of member supplies that can be ordered and a blank membership application.
Active Links to advertisers, article expansions, multimedia, and to actions on both the QCWA Public website and the Members Only site are accessible from the Journal when reading online.
Articles and reports received will be included in the following month's issue of the Journal.
"Opinions expressed by the authors of articles contributed to the Journal may not represent the official position of the Officers or Directors of the Quarter Century Wireless Association Inc."