N7IO - Steven M.  O'Kelly N7IO

Steven M. O'Kelly
Seattle, WA

QCWA # 27781
Chapter 4

Born and raised here in Washington State, I grew up with a passion for all things magnetic and electrical. By age 10, I was totally hooked on short-wave radio. It was the Internet of the time. And to this day .. the green magic eye tube still beckons.

Now in my 40th year as a communications tech. I am married to a very talented artist who's medium of choice is quilting. We reside near the city of Seattle. She collects fabric. I collect electronic parts. Whenever possible, I sneak off to the dungeon to build things at the workbench or to send dots and dashes on 40m.

My goal in life is to someday become a reasonable telegrapher.

March 6, 2015